I tweeted today that Oracle Database 23ai Free is now available on Windows. You should go check it out 🙂




The installation of the “Free” suite of database versions on Windows is fully automated, with just a simple click on setup.exe. However, on other products on Windows, we often go through a more flexible installation process to allow greater tailoring of the installation or configuration options.

As I’m sure you’re aware, these tools work in a “wizard” style interface, where you go through a number of panels before the final installation/configuration then starts the real work.

A common theme for which we get questions on AskTOM is when customers experience errors with these tools not with the final process, but as they navigate through the panels.

Here’s a few examples that have come in.









Whenever you get an error in an installation tool or a configuration tool (eg Database Configuration Assistant or Network Configuration Assistant) on Windows, and that error occurs as you navigate through the panels, before calling Support, here’s two things that seem to be the most common culprits

  • Ensure your Windows username does not contain a space.
  • Ensure your Windows machine name is less than 14 characters


It’s been my experience that addressing those two things tends to solve things 9 times out of 10.

3 responses to “Got Issues Running an Installer / Assistant on Windows ?”

  1. Michael Verheij Avatar
    Michael Verheij

    Hey Connor,

    One of the major things to have the Installer (or certain wizards for that matter) fail on Windows I encountered in my Support days was the use of a hyphen in the hostname (like “machine-01”). Apparently the OUI and other Java tools don’t take easy on that. Renaming the host by changing the hyphen to an underscore (of course in DNS – or a hosts file – and AD as well ;-)) resolves that issue.

    Kind regards,

    Michael Verheij

    1. Thanks for that. Hyphens (to my knowledge) should be ok now (I say that because my work machine has a hyphen in its name, and I’ve done dozens of installs on it).

    2. Actually, the current RFC does not allow underscore in hons names. only letters, digits and hyphen.

      Windows allowed underscores because of some historical reasons but its not recommended.

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