One of the very cool technologies that Oracle Database has is the concept of Flashback Query, the ability to look “into the past” at the state of some data in a table.

It is part of a whole suite of Flashback technologies. If you’re interested in an overview of all of them, check out my playlist on this topic

One component of Flashback Query is the concept of a version of a row. Every time you commit a transaction, you have effectively created a new version of that row which is valid for particular range of time. The VERSIONS BETWEEN syntax on Flashback Query lets us see all of those versions for a given row.

For example, I’ll add a row to a table and commit that INSERT. That is one version of the row. Then I’ll update it to yield a second version of the row.

SQL> create table t ( x int );

Table created.

SQL> insert into t values (1);

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> update t
  2  set x = 2;

1 row updated.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

Now we can see both versions of the single row using VERSIONS BETWEEN. To reiterate, this is one true row in the table, just two versions over time of that row.

SQL> select
  2     decode( versions_operation
  3         , 'I', 'insert'
  4         , 'U', 'update'
  5         , 'D', 'delete'
  6              , 'original'
  7             ) op
  8    ,versions_xid
  9    ,versions_startscn
 10    ,versions_endscn
 11    ,rowid rid
 12  from   t
 13  versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue;

-------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ------------------
update   0B0011001B3F0000        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWWAAMAAAYJ7AAA
insert   02001C00C4230100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWWAAMAAAYJ7AAA

If the rows in the table were created at table creation time, and hence never inserted, then the operation is null, for example, a CTAS, as we can see below

SQL> create table t as select 1 x from dual;

Table created.

SQL> select
  2     decode( versions_operation
  3         , 'I', 'insert'
  4         , 'U', 'update'
  5         , 'D', 'delete'
  6              , 'original'
  7             ) op
  8    ,versions_xid
  9    ,versions_startscn
 10    ,versions_endscn
 11    ,rowid rid
 12  from   t
 13  versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue;

-------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ------------------
original                                                    AAAuWXAAMAAAYJ7AAA

You can probably already see the great potential here for this feature when it comes to things like unit testing. I can run multiple transactions through a set of rows, and then dig back into the versions of those rows to ensure that each transaction did the correct thing, and explore the evolution of a row as it is changed by my application.

But here is the motivation for this post. You need to adhere to one very important rule when using the feature.

To demonstrate, here is a fictional unit test style script that aims to use VERSIONS BETWEEN to track changes. I will

  • create table T as copy of SCOTT.EMP. That will yield 14 rows, each as “original” versions
  • I will then update each of the 14 rows 3 times, each in an individual transaction. That will yield 42 updates.

Thus at the end of the exercise, I should have 14+42 = 56 versions in total of the rows in this table. Let me now test that.

SQL> create table t as select * from scott.emp;

Table created.

SQL> alter table t add primary key ( empno );

Table altered.

SQL> begin
  2  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7788; commit;
  3  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7654; commit;
  4  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7900; commit;
  5  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7566; commit;
  6  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7698; commit;
  7  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7934; commit;
  8  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7369; commit;
  9  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7876; commit;
 10  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7521; commit;
 11  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7782; commit;
 12  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7902; commit;
 13  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7499; commit;
 14  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7844; commit;
 15  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7839; commit;
 16  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7788; commit;
 17  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7654; commit;
 18  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7900; commit;
 19  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7566; commit;
 20  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7698; commit;
 21  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7934; commit;
 22  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7369; commit;
 23  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7876; commit;
 24  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7521; commit;
 25  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7782; commit;
 26  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7902; commit;
 27  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7499; commit;
 28  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7844; commit;
 29  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7839; commit;
 30  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7788; commit;
 31  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7654; commit;
 32  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7900; commit;
 33  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7566; commit;
 34  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7698; commit;
 35  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7934; commit;
 36  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7369; commit;
 37  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7876; commit;
 38  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7521; commit;
 39  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7782; commit;
 40  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7902; commit;
 41  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7499; commit;
 42  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7844; commit;
 43  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7839; commit;
 44  end;
 45  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

and now we check the number of versions we tracked

SQL> select
  2     decode( versions_operation
  3         , 'I', 'insert'
  4         , 'U', 'update'
  5         , 'D', 'delete'
  6              , 'original'
  7             ) op
  8    ,versions_xid
  9    ,versions_startscn
 10    ,versions_endscn
 11    ,rowid rid
 12  from   t
 13  versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue;

-------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ------------------
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAA
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAB
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAC
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAD
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAE
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAF
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAG
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAH
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAI
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAJ
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAK
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAL
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAM
original                                                    AAAuWUAAMAAAYJ7AAN

14 rows selected.

Uh oh! What happened to our updates?

Important Note: Once you create a new table, some processing occurs in the background in the Oracle Database that will subsequently allow for changes to be correctly tracked. If you run transactions immediately on a table after creating it, some of those may be missed when it comes to later VERSIONS BETWEEN queries.

This is noted in the docs




Lets now repeat the same test, but this time I will pause for a while after creating my table.

SQL> create table t as select * from scott.emp;

Table created.

SQL> alter table t add primary key ( empno );

Table altered.

SQL> host sleep  30

SQL> begin
  2  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7788; commit;
  3  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7654; commit;
  4  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7900; commit;
  5  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7566; commit;
  6  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7698; commit;
  7  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7934; commit;
  8  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7369; commit;
  9  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7876; commit;
 10  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7521; commit;
 11  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7782; commit;
 12  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7902; commit;
 13  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7499; commit;
 14  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7844; commit;
 15  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7839; commit;
 16  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7788; commit;
 17  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7654; commit;
 18  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7900; commit;
 19  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7566; commit;
 20  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7698; commit;
 21  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7934; commit;
 22  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7369; commit;
 23  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7876; commit;
 24  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7521; commit;
 25  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7782; commit;
 26  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7902; commit;
 27  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7499; commit;
 28  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7844; commit;
 29  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7839; commit;
 30  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7788; commit;
 31  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7654; commit;
 32  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7900; commit;
 33  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7566; commit;
 34  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7698; commit;
 35  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7934; commit;
 36  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7369; commit;
 37  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7876; commit;
 38  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7521; commit;
 39  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7782; commit;
 40  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7902; commit;
 41  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7499; commit;
 42  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7844; commit;
 43  update t set sal = sal + 1 where empno = 7839; commit;
 44  end;
 45  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> SELECT  DECODE( versions_operation
  2           , 'I', 'Insert'
  3           , 'U', 'Update'
  4           , 'D', 'Delete'
  5                , 'Original'
  6               ) "Operation"
  7  ,      versions_xid
  8  ,      versions_startscn
  9  ,      versions_endscn
 10  ,rowid row_id
 11  ,TIMESTAMP_TO_SCN(systimestamp) now_scn
 12  FROM   t

-------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ------------------ ----------
Update   0B002000173F0000        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAI 1.6331E+13
Update   02000A00AE230100        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAJ 1.6331E+13
Update   04001400021C0100        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAB 1.6331E+13
Update   01000100AD250100        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAM 1.6331E+13
Update   0B0001000F3F0000        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAG 1.6331E+13
Update   0B000700153F0000        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAC 1.6331E+13
Update   08001B00BD290100        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAK 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001900FE3E0000        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAA 1.6331E+13
Update   09000F00D2590100        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAN 1.6331E+13
Update   02000F00A3230100        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAF 1.6331E+13
Update   0B000D00113F0000        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAD 1.6331E+13
Update   01001A00AA250100        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAL 1.6331E+13
Update   0B0021001A3F0000        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAE 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001100163F0000        1.6331E+13                 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAH 1.6331E+13
Update   0B000800093F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAI 1.6331E+13
Update   05001200EE200100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAJ 1.6331E+13
Update   08002100C0290100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAB 1.6331E+13
Update   05001E00DD200100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAM 1.6331E+13
Update   0B000900073F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAG 1.6331E+13
Update   0A001D0070FD0700        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAC 1.6331E+13
Update   05000200D8200100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAK 1.6331E+13
Update   0B0005000D3F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAA 1.6331E+13
Update   09001300175A0100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAN 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001C00643E0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAF 1.6331E+13
Update   06001F0063290100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAD 1.6331E+13
Update   09000C000B5A0100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAL 1.6331E+13
Update   0B000600173F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAE 1.6331E+13
Update   0B000200133F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAH 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001B008B3E0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAI 1.6331E+13
Update   08000600B9290100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAJ 1.6331E+13
Update   0B000F00143F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAB 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001200023F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAM 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001F00123F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAG 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001700173F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAC 1.6331E+13
Update   01001500B0250100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAK 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001300063F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAA 1.6331E+13
Update   0B0003000E3F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAN 1.6331E+13
Update   06000B0079290100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAF 1.6331E+13
Update   0B000400FE3E0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAD 1.6331E+13
Update   060002007B290100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAL 1.6331E+13
Update   01001E009C250100        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAE 1.6331E+13
Update   0B001E00153F0000        1.6331E+13      1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAH 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAA 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAB 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAC 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAD 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAE 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAF 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAG 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAH 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAI 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAJ 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAK 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAL 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAM 1.6331E+13
Original                                         1.6331E+13 AAAuWSAAMAAAYJ7AAN 1.6331E+13

56 rows selected.

As we see, we got the expected 56 versions back from our query.

If you are using this feature, please ensure you are mindful of this, otherwise you probably will get incorrect results from your VERSIONS BETWEEN queries.

4 responses to “Flashback Query – an important warning”

  1. Isn’t there a redo log for backfill all changes after the CTAS?

  2. flashback query uses undo not redo

  3. Luis Manuel Castillo Colombo Avatar
    Luis Manuel Castillo Colombo

    This is great, thanks to your article and videos on flashback I was able to create a very efficient and complete auditing application in Oracle 19c SE II.

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