First of all … Happy New Year! This is my first post for 2020. Last year, I fell just short of 100 blog posts for the year – so this year, I’m starting early and hopefully I can crack the 100 mark! Anyway..onto the post.

The in-memory option in the Oracle database can yield some ridiculously good performance results. As someone who regularly gets to visit customers, it is always a feel good moment when you can take their data warehouse sample data and queries, which could be running in minutes or hours, slap on some in-memory parameters and watch the amazement when those queries might drop from hours to minutes, or minutes to seconds.

Don’t get me wrong; in-memory is not a magic wand that transforms every single query to insane performance, but whenever you are scanning large volumes of data, some of the performance benefits can really blow your mind. And yes, before you blast me on the comments Smile I know its not a free option. But because it is not free, it is important that you make sure you are getting the benefits you have paid good money for, so I thought I would do a couple of blog posts to point some traps that customers have stumbled into.

The first trap I’ve seen people fall into is thinking that they have specified the in-memory settings for a table but not taking the time to check that they are truly getting the benefits. Here is an example of this in action.

I created a table T which is 20 copies of DBA_OBJECTS

SQL> create table t
  2      as
  3      select d.*
  4      from dba_objects d, ( select 1 from dual connect by level <= 20 );

Table created.

Now I diligently go about setting all the in-memory characteristics that I would like for this table.

SQL> alter table t
  2         inmemory memcompress for query( owner,object_id )
  3         inmemory memcompress for dml ( object_type)
  4         inmemory memcompress for query high( object_name )
  5         inmemory memcompress for capacity low( created )
  6         inmemory memcompress for capacity high( status )
  7         no inmemory( duplicated, sharded ) ;

Table altered.

Having done this, I need to prime the in-memory store by scanning the table which will kickstart the background processing to populate the in-memory store.

SQL> select count(*) from t;


At this point, after a short time period, I can check to see if the relevant in-memory segments have been populated.

SQL> select owner,segment_name,bytes,bytes_not_populated,populate_status from v$im_segments;

no rows selected

As you can see, the in-memory is empty. Maybe I didn’t wait long enough, but even after several minutes, you can see the store is empty and remains empty.

SQL> select owner,segment_name,bytes,bytes_not_populated,populate_status from v$im_segments;

no rows selected

Perhaps it is an error in my DDL nominating the in-memory attributes of the columns in my table T. I can check that by querying V$IM_COLUMN_LEVEL.

SQL> select  owner,segment_column_id,column_name, inmemory_compression
  2  from v$im_column_level
  3  order by 2 ;

---------- ----------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------
MCDONAC                    1 OWNER                          FOR QUERY LOW
MCDONAC                    2 OBJECT_NAME                    FOR QUERY HIGH
MCDONAC                    3 SUBOBJECT_NAME                 DEFAULT
MCDONAC                    4 OBJECT_ID                      FOR QUERY LOW
MCDONAC                    5 DATA_OBJECT_ID                 DEFAULT
MCDONAC                    6 OBJECT_TYPE                    FOR DML
MCDONAC                    7 CREATED                        FOR CAPACITY LOW
MCDONAC                    8 LAST_DDL_TIME                  DEFAULT
MCDONAC                    9 TIMESTAMP                      DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   10 STATUS                         FOR CAPACITY HIGH
MCDONAC                   11 TEMPORARY                      DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   12 GENERATED                      DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   13 SECONDARY                      DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   14 NAMESPACE                      DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   15 EDITION_NAME                   DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   16 SHARING                        DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   17 EDITIONABLE                    DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   18 ORACLE_MAINTAINED              DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   19 APPLICATION                    DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   20 DEFAULT_COLLATION              DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   21 DUPLICATED                     NO INMEMORY
MCDONAC                   22 SHARDED                        NO INMEMORY
MCDONAC                   23 CREATED_APPID                  DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   24 CREATED_VSNID                  DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   25 MODIFIED_APPID                 DEFAULT
MCDONAC                   26 MODIFIED_VSNID                 DEFAULT

The way I like to interpret this (and hence explain to customers) is that the column level specifications are the way of nominating the in-memory metadata for when the entire table is moved to the in-memory store. The column level metadata is not an instruction to actually place the table into the in-memory store, and hence that must be done explicitly at the table level.

SQL> alter table t inmemory;

Table altered.

Now that I have done that, I will rescan the table to prime the in-memory store, and voila…we now have full population.

SQL> select count(*) from t;


SQL> select owner,segment_name,bytes,bytes_not_populated,populate_status from v$im_segments;

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- -------------
MCDONAC    T           262144000                   0 COMPLETED

So always make sure you check V$IM_SEGMENTS to ensure that you have populated the the in-memory store. In the next blog post, I’ll show an example where even V$IM_SEGMENTS being populated might not mean that the in-memory store is populated fully with the data you want.

You can watch the video version of this demo here

4 responses to “Getting the most out of in-memory”

  1. Hello Connor,
    I would just like to start this year by wishing you once again a HAPPY, HEALTHY AND LUCKY NEW YEAR 2020,
    and also by expressing my very deep wish and hope that the infernal current situation in Australia will end as soon as possible, and this paradise place will return to its previous state.
    It is one of the last paradises left on Earth and I am extremely sad thinking that human global activity probably contributed a lot to this ecological catastrophe and the death of so many unique and innocent beings 😦 😦 😦
    Hopefully, the day will come when technology will be used to prevent such situations, rather than to create them 🙂

    Best Regards & Hope for the best,
    Iudith Mentzel

    1. Thank you for your kinds words.

  2. […] the previous post, I described the importance of checking V$IM_SEGMENTS to ensure that the in-memory store is […]

  3. […] McDonald starts by writing, “In the previous post, I described the importance of checking V$IM_SEGMENTS to ensure that the in-memory store is […]

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