I was perusing some old content during a hard drive “spring clean” the other day, and I found an old gem from way back in 2001.  A time when the database community were trying to dispel the myth that all database performance issues could be tracked back to,  and solved via, the database buffer cache hit ratio.  Thankfully, much of that folklore has now passed into the realm of fiction, but I remember at the time, as a means of showing how silly some of the claims were, I published a routine that would generate any buffer cache hit ratio you desired.  It just simply ran a query to burn through logical I/O’s (and burn a whole in your CPU!) until the required number of operations bumped up the buffer cache hit ratio to whatever number you liked Smile 

Less performance, more work done…. all to get a nice summary number.

The kinds of statistics that the database collects, and what each one represents has changed over the years and versions of Oracle, but I figured I’d present the routine in original form as a nostalgic reminder that statistics without an understanding behind them are as good as no statistics at all.

Enjoy !

create or replace
procedure choose_a_hit_ratio(p_ratio number default 99,p_show_only boolean default false) is
  v_phy                number;
  v_db                 number;
  v_con                number;
  v_count              number;
  v_additional_congets number;
  v_hit number;
  procedure show_hit is
    select p.value, d.value, c.value
    into v_phy, v_db, v_con
      ( select value from v$sysstat where name = 'physical reads' ) p,
      ( select value from v$sysstat where name = 'db block gets' ) d,
      ( select value from v$sysstat where name = 'consistent gets' ) c;
    v_hit := 1-(v_phy/(v_db+v_con));
    dbms_output.put_line('Current ratio is: '||round(v_hit*100,5));
-- First we work out the ratio in the normal fashion

  if p_ratio/100  99.9999999 then
    dbms_output.put_line('Sorry - I cannot help you');
  end if;
-- Flipping the formula we can work out how many more consistent gets
-- we need to increase the hit ratio
  v_additional_congets := trunc(v_phy/(1-p_ratio/100)-v_db - v_con);

  dbms_output.put_line('Another '||v_additional_congets||' consistent gets needed...');

  if p_show_only then return; end if;
-- Create a simple table to hold 200 rows in a single block
    execute immediate 'drop table dummy';
    when others then null;

  execute immediate 'create table dummy (n primary key) organization index as '||
                    'select rownum n from all_objects where rownum  prior n
      start with n = 1 )
    where rownum < :v_additional_congets' into v_count using v_additional_congets;


exec choose_a_hit_ratio(85,true);
Current ratio is: 82.30833
Another 29385 consistent gets needed...

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec choose_a_hit_ratio(85);
Current ratio is: 82.30833
Another 29385 consistent gets needed...
Current ratio is: 86.24548

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec choose_a_hit_ratio(90,true);
Current ratio is: 86.24731
Another 79053 consistent gets needed...

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec choose_a_hit_ratio(90);
Current ratio is: 86.24731
Another 79053 consistent gets needed...
Current ratio is: 90.5702

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec choose_a_hit_ratio(98,true);
Current ratio is: 90.5709
Another 1141299 consistent gets needed...

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec choose_a_hit_ratio(98);
Current ratio is: 90.5709
Another 1141299 consistent gets needed...
Current ratio is: 98.02386

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

3 responses to “Buffer cache hit ratio–blast from the past”

  1. Shiver in ecstasy!
    I just got told two weeks ago by an “expert” developer I needed to increase memory allocated to buffer cache in one of our dbs to reduce I/O overhead.
    No numbers, no stats, just a simple “everyone knows that!”.
    The BCHR thing is alive and well, despite what you might have heard…
    (mind you: that db regularly does 1.5GB/s I/O throughput (not Exa* h/w) when under heavy load, but details, details…)

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  3. […] example that demonstrates very clearly the point that Connor McDonald was trying to make in his ‘pick a hit ratio’  […]

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