We had a request on AskTOM a few days ago asking for an implementation of the XIRR function in PL/SQL.

I didn’t really know much about what that function was, or what it did, but a quick web search yielded plenty of examples in Excel, where it is a pre-delivered function, as described here:

“Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.”

That explains what the function does, but doesn’t explain how the function result is derived.  So I pushed back to the author of the question saying that if they could give us an algorithm for the function, then we could take a look at implementing the algorithm in PL/SQL.  After some research they came back with the following diagram taken from: http://maestro.ipcc.ca/files/rate_of_return/XIRR_ROR.pdf


The formula with some cool mathematical symbols on the page looks like an algorithm but it is not – the real nuts and bolts is in bullet point “3”.  There is no “formula” as such for XIRR – we need an iterative approach, namely, try an initial set of conditions that yields an answer “close” to the desired result, but if not, iterate continuously using previous results to slowly “narrow in” on the result until we meet some nominated tolerance value.  This was starting to sound complicated Smile

Luckily, our author also posted a link to a solution that has been written in C##.  So I posed myself the question – “How hard is it to port from C##…” (a language I have never used professionally as a developer) “… run in the database as PL/SQL?”.  After all, often we hear that database-centric code cannot be tackled in an organization because the task of understanding PL/SQL as a non-PL/SQL developer is simply “too onerous”.

Here is the original C## code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Xirr
    public class Program
        private const Double DaysPerYear = 365.0;
        private const int MaxIterations = 100;
        private const double DefaultTolerance = 1E-6;
        private const double DefaultGuess = 0.1;

    private static readonly Func, Double> NewthonsMethod =
        cf => NewtonsMethodImplementation(cf, Xnpv, XnpvPrime);

    private static readonly Func, Double> BisectionMethod =
        cf => BisectionMethodImplementation(cf, Xnpv);

    public static void Main(string[] args)
                // this scenario fails with Newton's but succeeds with slower Bisection
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2012, 6, 1), 0.01),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2012, 7, 23), 3042626.18),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2012, 11, 7), -491356.62),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2012, 11, 30), 631579.92),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2012, 12, 1), 19769.5),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2013, 1, 16), 1551771.47),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2013, 2, 8), -304595),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2013, 3, 26), 3880609.64),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2013, 3, 31), -4331949.61)
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2001, 5, 1), 10000),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2002, 3, 1), 2000),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2002, 5, 1), -5500),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2002, 9, 1), 3000),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2003, 2, 1), 3500),
                new CashItem(new DateTime(2003, 5, 1), -15000)

    private static void RunScenario(IEnumerable cashFlow)
                var result = CalcXirr(cashFlow, NewthonsMethod);
                Console.WriteLine("XIRR [Newton's] value is {0}", result);
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                // Failed: try another algorithm
                var result = CalcXirr(cashFlow, BisectionMethod);
                Console.WriteLine("XIRR [Bisection] (Newton's failed) value is {0}", result);
        catch (ArgumentException e)
        catch (InvalidOperationException exception)

    private static double CalcXirr(IEnumerable cashFlow, Func, double> method)
        if (cashFlow.Count(cf => cf.Amount > 0) == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Add at least one positive item");

        if (cashFlow.Count(c => c.Amount < 0) == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Add at least one negative item");

        var result = method(cashFlow);

        if (Double.IsInfinity(result))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not calculate: Infinity");

        if (Double.IsNaN(result))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not calculate: Not a number");

        return result;

    private static Double NewtonsMethodImplementation(IEnumerable cashFlow,
                                                      Func, Double, Double> f,
                                                      Func, Double, Double> df,
                                                      Double guess = DefaultGuess,
                                                      Double tolerance = DefaultTolerance,
                                                      int maxIterations = MaxIterations)
        var x0 = guess;
        var i = 0;
        Double error;
            var dfx0 = df(cashFlow, x0);
            if (Math.Abs(dfx0 - 0) < Double.Epsilon)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not calculate: No solution found. df(x) = 0");

            var fx0 = f(cashFlow, x0);
            var x1 = x0 - fx0/dfx0;
            error = Math.Abs(x1 - x0);

            x0 = x1;
        } while (error > tolerance && ++i < maxIterations);
        if (i == maxIterations)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not calculate: No solution found. Max iterations reached.");

        return x0;

    internal static Double BisectionMethodImplementation(IEnumerable cashFlow,
                                                         Func, Double, Double> f,
                                                         Double tolerance = DefaultTolerance,
                                                         int maxIterations = MaxIterations)
        // From "Applied Numerical Analysis" by Gerald
        var brackets = Brackets.Find(Xnpv, cashFlow);
        if (Math.Abs(brackets.First - brackets.Second) < Double.Epsilon)
            throw new ArgumentException("Could not calculate: bracket failed");

        Double f3;
        Double result;
        var x1 = brackets.First;
        var x2 = brackets.Second;

        var i = 0;
            var f1 = f(cashFlow, x1);
            var f2 = f(cashFlow, x2);

            if (Math.Abs(f1) < Double.Epsilon && Math.Abs(f2) < Double.Epsilon)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not calculate: No solution found");

            if (f1*f2 > 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not calculate: bracket failed for x1, x2");

            result = (x1 + x2)/2;
            f3 = f(cashFlow, result);

            if (f3*f1 < 0)
                x2 = result;
                x1 = result;
        } while (Math.Abs(x1 - x2)/2 > tolerance && Math.Abs(f3) > Double.Epsilon && ++i < maxIterations);

        if (i == maxIterations)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not calculate: No solution found");

        return result;

    private static Double Xnpv(IEnumerable cashFlow, Double rate)
        if (rate <= -1)
            rate = -1 + 1E-10; // Very funky ... Better check what an IRR <= -100% means

        var startDate = cashFlow.OrderBy(i => i.Date).First().Date;
            (from item in cashFlow
             let days = -(item.Date - startDate).Days
             select item.Amount*Math.Pow(1 + rate, days/DaysPerYear)).Sum();

    private static Double XnpvPrime(IEnumerable cashFlow, Double rate)
        var startDate = cashFlow.OrderBy(i => i.Date).First().Date;
        return (from item in cashFlow
                let daysRatio = -(item.Date - startDate).Days/DaysPerYear
                select item.Amount*daysRatio*Math.Pow(1.0 + rate, daysRatio - 1)).Sum();

    public struct Brackets
        public readonly Double First;
        public readonly Double Second;

        public Brackets(Double first, Double second)
            First = first;
            Second = second;

        internal static Brackets Find(Func, Double, Double> f,
                                      IEnumerable cashFlow,
                                      Double guess = DefaultGuess,
                                      int maxIterations = MaxIterations)
            const Double bracketStep = 0.5;
            var leftBracket = guess - bracketStep;
            var rightBracket = guess + bracketStep;
            var i = 0;
            while (f(cashFlow, leftBracket)*f(cashFlow, rightBracket) > 0 && i++ < maxIterations)
                leftBracket -= bracketStep;
                rightBracket += bracketStep;

            return i >= maxIterations
                       ? new Brackets(0, 0)
                       : new Brackets(leftBracket, rightBracket);

    public struct CashItem
        public DateTime Date;
        public Double Amount;

        public CashItem(DateTime date, Double amount)
            Date = date;
            Amount = amount;

And after …maybe…30 minutes, I got a PL/SQL version up and running.

SQL> set serverout on
SQL> declare
  3    cDaysPerYear      number := 365.0;
  4    cMaxIterations    number := 100;
  5    cDefaultTolerance number := 1E-6;
  6    cDefaultGuess     number := 0.1;
  7    cDouble_Epsilon   number := 0.00000000001;
  9    type cash_obj is record ( dte date, amount number );
 10    type cash_list is table of cash_obj index by pls_integer;
 11    cash_item cash_list;
 13    type bracket_rec is record ( frst number, second number );
 15    function Xnpv(cashFlow cash_list, prate number) return number is
 16      startdate date := cashFlow(1).dte;
 17      dys number;
 18      tot number := 0;
 19      rate number := prate;
 20    begin
 21        if (rate <= -1) then rate := -1 + 1E-10; end if;
 23        for item in 1 .. cashFlow.count loop
 24             dys := -(cashFlow(item).Dte - startDate);
 25             tot := tot + cashFlow(item).Amount*Power(1 + rate, dys/cDaysPerYear);
 26        end loop;
 27        return tot;
 28    end;
 30    function XnpvPrime(cashFlow cash_list, prate number) return number is
 31      startdate date := cashFlow(1).dte;
 32      daysRatio number;
 33      tot number := 0;
 34      rate number := prate;
 35    begin
 36        for item in 1 .. cashFlow.count loop
 37             daysRatio := -(cashFlow(item).Dte - startDate)/cDaysPerYear;
 38             tot := tot + cashFlow(item).Amount*daysRatio*Power(1 + rate, daysRatio - 1);
 39        end loop;
 40        return tot;
 41    end;
 43    function BracketsFind(cashFlow cash_list,guess number := cDefaultGuess) return bracket_rec is
 44      x bracket_rec;
 45      bracketStep number := 0.5;
 46      leftBracket number := guess - bracketStep;
 47      rightBracket number := guess + bracketStep;
 48      i int := 0;
 49    begin
 50      while Xnpv(cashFlow, leftBracket)*Xnpv(cashFlow, rightBracket) > 0
 51      loop
 52          leftBracket := leftBracket - bracketStep;
 53          rightBracket:= rightBracket + bracketStep;
 54          i := i + 1;
 55      end loop;
 57      if i >= cmaxIterations then
 58         x.frst := 0;
 59         x.second := 0;
 60         return x;
 61      else
 62         x.frst := leftBracket;
 63         x.second := rightBracket;
 64         return x;
 65      end if;
 66    end;
 68    function BisectionMethodImplementation(cashFlow cash_list,tolerance number := cDefaultTolerance, maxIterations number := cMaxIterations) return number is
 70       brackets bracket_rec;
 71       f3 number;
 72       result number;
 73       x1 number;
 74       x2 number;
 75       i int := 0;
 76       f1 number;
 77       f2 number;
 78    begin
 79       brackets := BracketsFind(cashFlow);
 80       if Abs(brackets.Frst - brackets.Second) < cDouble_Epsilon then
 81          raise_application_error(-20000,'Could not calculate: bracket failed');
 82       end if;
 83       x1 := brackets.Frst;
 84       x2 := brackets.Second;
 86       loop
 88          f1 := Xnpv(cashFlow, x1);
 89          f2 := Xnpv(cashFlow, x2);
 91          if Abs(f1) < cDouble_Epsilon and Abs(f2) < cDouble_Epsilon then
 92              raise_application_error(-20000,'Could not calculate: No solution found');
 93          end if;
 95          if (f1*f2 > 0) then
 96              raise_application_error(-20000,'Could not calculate: bracket failed for x1, x2');
 97          end if;
 99          result := (x1 + x2)/2;
100          f3 := Xnpv(cashFlow, result);
102          if (f3*f1 < 0) then
103              x2 := result;
104          else
105              x1 := result;
106          end if;
107          i := i + 1;
108          exit when not
109            (Abs(x1 - x2)/2 > tolerance and Abs(f3) > cDouble_Epsilon and i < cmaxIterations);
110       end loop;
112       if (i = cmaxIterations) then
113          raise_application_error(-20000,'Could not calculate: No solution found');
114       end if;
116       return result;
117    end;
119    function NewtonsMethodImplementation(cashFlow cash_list,tolerance number := cDefaultTolerance, maxIterations number := cMaxIterations,guess number := cDefaultGuess) return number is
120        x0 number := guess;
121        i int := 0;
122        error number;
123        fx0 number;
124        x1 number;
125        dfx0 number;
126    begin
127        loop
128            dfx0 := XnpvPrime(cashFlow, x0);
129            if (Abs(dfx0 - 0) < cDouble_Epsilon) then
130                raise_application_error(-20000,'Could not calculate: No solution found. df(x) = 0');
131            end if;
133            fx0 := Xnpv(cashFlow, x0);
134            x1 := x0 - fx0/dfx0;
135            error := Abs(x1 - x0);
137            x0 := x1;
138          i := i + 1;
139          exit when not (error > tolerance and  i < cmaxIterations );
140        end loop;
142        if (i = maxIterations) then
143            raise_application_error(-20000,'Could not calculate: No solution found. Max iterations reached.');
144        end if;
145        return x0;
146      end;
148      function CalcXirr(cashFlow cash_list) return number is
149        ok boolean := false;
150      begin
151        for i in 1 .. cashFlow.count loop
152           ok := ok or cashFlow(i).amount > 0;
153        end loop;
154        if not ok then raise_application_error(-20000,'Add at least one positive item');   end if;
156        ok := false;
157        for i in 1 .. cashFlow.count loop
158           ok := ok or cashFlow(i).amount < 0;
159        end loop;
160        if not ok then raise_application_error(-20000,'Add at least one negative item');   end if;
162  --      return BisectionMethodImplementation(cashFlow);
163        return NewtonsMethodImplementation(cashFlow);
165      end;
167  begin
169    cash_item(1).dte := date '2008-01-01';
170    cash_item(2).dte := date '2008-03-01';
171    cash_item(3).dte := date '2008-10-30';
172    cash_item(4).dte := date '2009-02-15';
173    cash_item(5).dte := date '2009-04-01';
175    cash_item(1).Amount := -10000;
176    cash_item(2).Amount := 2750;
177    cash_item(3).Amount := 4250;
178    cash_item(4).Amount := 3250;
179    cash_item(5).Amount := 2750;
181    dbms_output.put_line(CalcXirr(cash_item));
182  end;
183  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

I validated the results against various data examples I found on the web.  The example above maps to the example in the Excel link previous mentioned.



Let me assure you, I am in no way claiming that this was some sort of incredible feat on my part.  It was simply taking each function in turn, making some assumptions about the variables and the coding constructs and iteratively converting the code over, and then testing it for validity within an anonymous block.  And similarly, the PL/SQL code is not a shining example of quality coding standards – quite the opposite.  It deliberately is trying to stay close to the naming standards and conventions that were in the C## source.  Besides a couple of web searches (for example, to examine what Double.Epilson represented) the process was relatively straightforward.

You may be rolling your eyes and thinking to yourself: “Here we go….he’s going to tell us that C# is junk and that we should refactor our C# applications into the database”, but that is definitely not the case.  My point is – if you have some data-intensive code in the application tier that will get benefits from locating that code closer to the database, you might surprise yourself by discovering how easy it is to port the logic from one coding language to another, in this case, PL/SQL.  And for your Oracle databases, there is no simply better data-centric language than PL/SQL.

5 responses to ““Oh…another language is too hard””

  1. Cool post. Not to distract from your message about moving from one coding language to another, but here are a couple of blog posts (from 2012) that describe how we used Oracle R Enterprise running in the database to compute IRRs at scale:


    Just food for thought if someone is really really looking for IRR options inside the Oracle database. R brings to the table some pretty strong and optimized math libraries that are good at iterative optimization solution problems like IRR.

  2. Hi David,

    Thanks for stopping by. Definitely – for heavy mathematical and statistical analysis, you can’t go past R…and its sitting there right in the database !


  3. Haakon Løtveit Avatar
    Haakon Løtveit

    This is pretty neat. Now I don’t know Oracle databases very well (I’m learning though! 😉 ), but I’ve heard rumours that you can use Java in the database, and Java has almost the exact same syntax as C#.

    If that is the case, it may be even easier to put stuff in the database. However, I am not saying that this is as simple/easy as it may sound like.

    There’s also R, as someone else already pointed out.

  4. […] 10.  Oh…another language is too hard” […]

  5. And taking into account that we can natively compile pl/sql procedure into C, where the performance effect is markable especially for the code with lots of mathematical operation, I really opt to to write the code in the simplest language, i,e, PL/SQL.

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